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A series of regularly scheduled classes designed to build a base of knowledge and develop the necessary skills to improve your life.
Creating Health
This series covers the basics of everything you need to create optimum health including nutrition, fitness, stress management, sleep, and preventative maintenance, and guides you through designing a plan to put it all together.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Nutrition but Were Too Confused to Ask
Low Carb or Low Fat? Butter or Margarine? Does eating after 6:00 PM make you fat? Is organic really healthier? Do I need to take supplements? Separate the myths and half truths from the facts and learn what your body really needs to be healthy.

Stress Control - Taking Back Your Life
Excess stress drains your energy, clouds your brain, destroys your health, and robs you of joy. Learn how to reduce the stress in your life, manage the stress which can't be eliminated, and minimize the negative effects of stress on your health.

Time Management
Develop the skills and strategies for using time wisely so you can maximize your effectiveness and reduce the stress of having so much to do and not enough time to do it.

Men's Health/Women's Health

  These programs focus on gender specific health issues. Women's classes emphasize nutritional needs throughout the life cycle, breast cancer, menopause and osteoporosis. Men's classes address testicular cancer, prostate cancer, and impotence. Both groups will cover reducing the risk of heart disease, skin cancer, and the importance of safe sex.

       For more information or to schedule Cindy for your next meeting or conference,

please email or call us at (407) 928-4750.


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